Our first church – City Vision – was planted by Witness Mongolia. Today in Mongolia there are 350 cities and small towns; the biggest city is Ulaanbaatar, which is home to 1.3 million. After that there are 21 cities with population sizes between 40,000-70,000, and the rest of them are under 10,000.
City Vision was planted in February of 2018 in the southern part of Ulaanbaatar. Now on every Sunday there are 30 adults and 40 young children gathering there, worshiping God together. In the last 2years we shared the good news to 70-100 people, and 15-20 of them love to attend Sunday church and some church events during the week. About 20 people made the decision to believe in Jesus. 10 of them adults were baptized in the summer, and then in December, a very brave men decided to be baptized in the frozen and icy river!