Psalm 145:4 states: “One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.”  Later, much later, C.S. Lewis stated: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”  The good news of salvation from sin through Jesus Christ is a truth passed from generation to generation as we honor His work through giving.  Sin has consumed mankind from the beginning, but we can change the ending by supporting God’s mighty redemptive work.


For the past 30 years, God has been doing great things in this country. Before 1990, there were no Christians, no church, and no Bibles available. This was because since 1921, Mongolia was a communist country. But after the Communist Iron Curtain failure of 1990, the very first missionaries came to Mongolia to share the good news of Jesus Christ, and the Gospel began to spread all across the country. In these last 30 years, God has been working mightily, moving His Holy Spirit throughout the region and changing so many lives.


Illyricum Movement (IM) plants churches in Albania (predominantly Muslim) using ethnic church planters. WitnessMongolia (WM) is our trade-name for church planting in Mongolia (predominantly Bhuddist). IM (and therefore WM) is a WA Non-Profit Corp, is 501c3 IRS-recognized and accredited by the ECFA (www.ecfa.org). The same Board of Directors that governs IM also governs WM with the same financial controls, oversight and government reporting requirements. Our websites are: www.illyricum.org and www.witnessmongolia.org.