Message from the President
Our goal at Witness Mongolia is to preach the Gospel of good news in order to set free from bondage the captives of sin which enslaves all mankind. This is accomplished using the following:
- Multiplying Disciples and starting new healthy Churches
- Mobilizing believers to evangelize the lost in our culture by sharing with others the good News of salvation from sin
- Equipping New Leaders with a clear knowledge of the Word of God, and an understanding of what servant leadership means
- Working through the unique cultural institutions of Mongolia to reach those who are hurting
- Building Godly character and integrity into the lives of believers
- Developing in believers an accurate world view grounded in the Word of God
- Teaching believers to view their lives as ministries no matter what profession they choose
Psalm 145:4 states: “One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.” Later, much later, C.S. Lewis stated: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” The good news of salvation from sin through Jesus Christ is a truth passed from generation to generation as we honor His work through giving. Sin has consumed mankind from the beginning, but we can change the ending by supporting God’s mighty redemptive work.
The Board of Directors wishes to thank all of you who work so tirelessly to give of your sacrificial financial means. We are supported entirely by the gifts of friends and strive to present the needs of the unreached with accuracy and integrity. You are invited to participate in our work as you feel led by God to do so.
Witness Mongolia and Illyricum Movement is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Membership in the ECFA is your assurance that this organization adheres to the highest standards of stewardship and ethical financial practices.
Jack Cavanaugh, President